
Mike Dorrell Ph.D.

Professor of Biology
TriBeta Faculty Advisor

Dr. Mike Dorrell has been at 国产剧麻豆剧 since 2009. His expertise is in developmental and cell biology, although he teaches several courses, ranging from high school outreach programs and freshman cell biology and biochemistry to four upper division courses. His research interests include identifying novel methods of treating cancer that reduce the side effects associated with current treatment methods and studying the causes of, and potential treatments for, degenerative eye diseases. Students are actively involved in the cancer research, both within the summer research program and during the academic year. He also helped start a research institution in La Jolla (Lowy Medical Research Institute; 2013) dedicated to studying the eye disease, Macular Telangiectasia. He continues to guide that research on a part-time basis, in addition to his work at 国产剧麻豆剧. Several positions have opened up for 国产剧麻豆剧 graduates through this collaboration.

A PK (preacher's kid) and MK (missionary kid), Dorrell moved all around the world during his youth, including living in Kenya and Uganda for three years. He is a die-hard soccer fan and loves to play intramurals with students each year.

国产剧麻豆剧 Viewpoint: 


  • Ph.D., Biomedical Research, The Scripps Research Institute
  • B.A., Chemistry and Mathematics, Simpson College (IA)

Courses Taught

  • University Now
  • Cell Biology and Biochemistry 鈥 BIO 2010
  • Advanced Cell Biology 鈥 BIO 3050
  • Research Methodology 鈥 BIO 3052
  • Developmental Biology 鈥 BIO 4000
  • Senior Seminar 鈥 BIO 4097

Experience in Field

  • Adjunct Professor, The Scripps Research Institute, 2009 鈥 current
  • Senior Staff Consultant for the Lowy Medical Research Institute, 2013 鈥 current
  • During a one-year sabbatical, helped establish the Lowy Medical Research Institute for degenerative eye diseases, 2013
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, The Scripps Research Institute, 2005 鈥 2009
  • Adjunct Teacher, University of San Diego, 2006 鈥 2009
  • Consultant, EyeCyte, 2007 鈥 2011
  • Research Scientist, Angiosyn Inc., 2004 鈥 2005
  • Graduate school, The Scripps Research Institute, 1998 鈥 2003 (dissertation on angiogenesis and retinal development)

Professional and Community Involvement

  • Senior staff consultant for the Lowy Medical Research Institute (2013 鈥 present). Continues to guide research, including genetic studies, research with induced pluripotent stem cells, and retinal basic science, identifying the cause of, and potential treatments for Macular Telangiectasia
  • Advisor, TriBeta (Biology Club at 国产剧麻豆剧)
  • Advisor, Scuba Club (国产剧麻豆剧)
  • Reviewer for six different academic journals
  • Member, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
  • Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • Resource parent for foster children

Awards and Honors

  • 2023     Hadley Wood Honors in Teaching Fellowship
  • 2018, 2022     Excellence in teaching award; 国产剧麻豆剧
  • 2012 鈥 2020, 2022-2024     Annual Alumni grant award; 国产剧麻豆剧
  • 2010 鈥 2019, 2022-2024     Annual RASP grant; 国产剧麻豆剧
  • 2006 鈥 2009     California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) fellowship
  • 2000-20003     Achievement Recognition for Collegiate Scientists (ARCS) fellowship
  • 2003      Travel Grant Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
  • 22002     Travel Grant International Society of Differentiation
  • 1998     Awards for Top Student in Chemistry and Mathematics, Simpson

Dissertations, Presentations, and Publications

  • * Malone M, Maeyama A, Ogden N, Perry KN, Kramer A, Bates C, Marble C, Orlando R, Rausch A, Smeraldi C, Lowey C, Fees B, Dyson HJ, Dorrell MI, Kast-Woelbern H, Jansma AL. (2024) The effect of phosphorylation efficiency on the oncogenic properties of the protein E7 from high-risk HPV. Virus Res. 2024 Aug 14:348:199446
  • * Michael I. Dorrell, Kast-Woelbern H, Botts R, et. al. (2021) A novel method of screening combinations of angiostatics identifies bevacizumab and temsirolimus as synergistic inhibitors of glioma-induced angiogenesis. PLoS One. 2021 Jun 2;16(6):e0252233.
  • Eade K, Gantner ML, Hostyk JA, Nagasaki T, Giles S, Fallon R, Harkins-Perry S, Baldini M, Lim EW, Scheppke L, Dorrell MI, Cai C, Baugh EH, Wolock CJ, Wallace M, Berlow RB, Goldstein DB, Metallo CM, Friedlander M, Allikmets R. (2021) Serine biosynthesis defect due to haploinsufficiency of PHGDH causes retinal disease. Nat. Metabolism. Mar;3(3):366-377.
  • Usui-Ouchi A, Usui Y, Kurihara T, Aguilar E, Dorrell MI, Ideguchi Y, Sakimoto S, Bravo S, Friedlander M. (2020) Retinal microglia are critical for subretinal neovascular formation. JCI
    Insight. Jun 18;5(12):e137317
  • Gantner ML, Eade K, Wallace M, Handzlik MK, Fallon R, Trombley J, Bonelli R, Giles S, Harkins- Perry S, Heeren TFC, Sauer L, Ideguchi Y, Baldini M, Scheppke L, Dorrell MI, Kitano M, Hart BJ, Cai C, Nagasaki T, Badur MG, Okada M, Woods SM, Egan C, Gillies M, Guymer R, Eichler F, Bahlo M, Fruttiger M, Allikmets R, Bernstein PS, Metallo CM, Friedlander M. (2019) Serine and Lipid Metabolism in Macular Disease and Peripheral Neuropathy. New England J Medicine. Oct 10;381(15):1422-1433.
  • Michael I. Dorrell and Jennifer Lineback. (2019) Using Shapes and Codes to Teach the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology; Codons, the Genetic Code, and Mutations.  The American Biology Teacher. March 2019. issue 81.3
  • Michael I. Dorrell. (2019) Hands-on activities to teach Evo-Devo using legos and drawings: It鈥檚 not the genes you have, it鈥檚 how you use them. The American Biology Teacher. Feb. 2019 issue (81.2)
  • * Murinello S, Usui Y, Sakimoto S, Kitano M, Aguilar E, Friedlander HM, Schricker A, Wittgrove C, Wakabayashi Y, Dorrell MI (co-corresponding author), Westenskow PD, Friedlander M. (2018) miR-30a-5p inhibition promotes interaction of Fas +  endothelial cells and FasL +  microglia to decrease pathological neovascularization and promote physiological angiogenesis. Glia. Nov 28.
  • Usui Y, Westenskow PD, Murinello S, Dorrell MI, Scheppke L, Bucher F, Sakimoto S, Paris LP, Aguilar E, Friedlander M. (2015) Angiogenesis and Eye Disease. Annual Rev Vis Sci. 24;1:155-184.
  • * Usui Y, Westenskow PD, Kurihara T, Aguilar E, Sakimoto S, Paris LP, Wittgrove C, Feitelberg D, Friedlander MS, Moreno SK, Dorrell MI (co-corresponding author), Friedlander M. (2015) Neurovascular crosstalk between interneurons and capillaries is required for vision. J Clin Invest. Jun;125(6):2335-46
  • * Michael I. Dorrell, Michael Marcacci, Stephen Bravo, Troy Kurz, Jacob Tremblay, Jack C. Rusing. (2012) Ex Ovo Model for Directly Visualizing Chick Embryo Development. American Biology Teacher (ABT). Nov/Dec 2012;74(9): 628 鈥 634.
  • Weidemann A, Krohne TU, Aguilar E, Kurihara T, Takeda N, Dorrell MI, Simon MC, Haase VH, Friedlander M, Johnson RS. (2010) Astrocyte hypoxic response is essential for pathological but not developmental angiogenesis of the retina. Glia Aug;58(10):1177-85
  • * Michael I. Dorrell, Edith Aguilar, Ruth Jacobson, Sunia A. Trauger, Jeffrey Friedlander, Gary Siuzdak, Martin Friedlander. (2010) Rescuing astrocytes normalizes revascularization and prevents vascular pathology associated with oxygen induced retinopathy. Glia Jan 1;58(1):43-54.
  • Michael I. Dorrell, Edith Aguilar, Ruth Jacobson, Ray Gariano, John Heckenlively, Eyal Banin, G. Anthony Ramirez, Mehdi Gasmi, Alan Bird, Martin Friedlander. (2009) Antioxidant or neurotrophic factor treatment preserves function in a mouse model of neovascularization-associated oxidative stress. J Clin Invest. March;119(3):611-623.
  • Michael I. Dorrell, Edith Aguilar, Lea Scheppke, Faith Barnett, Martin Friedlander. (2007) Combination angiostatic therapy completely inhibits ocular and tumor angiogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. Jan 16;104(3): 967-972.
  • Matthew R. Ritter, Eyal Banin, Stacey K. Moreno, Edith Aguilar, Michael I. Dorrell, and Martin Friedlander. (2006) Myeloid progenitors differentiate into microglia and promote vascular repair in a model of ischemic retinopathy. J Clin Invest. Dec;116(12):3266-76.
  • * Michael I. Dorrell 1 , Eyal Banin 1 , Edith Aguilar, Chris M. Aderman, Alex C. Smith, Jeffrey Friedlander, Martin Friedlander (2006) T2-TrpRS inhibits preretinal neovascularization and enhances physiological vascular regrowth in OIR as assessed by a new method of quantification. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. May;47(5): 2125-2134.
  • Atsushi Otani, Michael I. Dorrell, Karen Kinder, Stacey K. Moreno, Steven Nusinowitz, Eyal Banin, John Heckenlively, and Martin Friedlander. (2004) Rescue of retinal degeneration by intravitreally injected adult bone marrow-derived lin- hematopoietic stem cells. J Clin Invest Sept;114(6):765-774.
  • * Michael I. Dorrell 1 , Mattias Belting 1 , Staffan Sandgren, Edith Aguilar, Jasimuddin Ahamed, Andrea Dorfleutner, Peter Carmeliet, Barbara M. Mueller, Martin Friedlander, and Wolfram Ruf. (2004) Regulation of angiogenesis by tissue factor cytoplasmic domain signaling. Nat Med. May;10(5):502-509.
  • Michael I. Dorrell, Atsushi Otani, Edith Aguilar, Stacey K. Moreno, and Martin Friedlander. (2004) Targeting of bone-marrow derived hematopoietic stem cells to the developing retinal vasculature is mediated by R-cadherin. Blood. May 1;103(9): 3420-3427.
  • Michael I. Dorrell, Edith Aguilar, Christoph Weber, and Martin Friedlander. (2004) Global analysis of gene expression during mouse retina development. Invest Opthalmol Vis Sci. Mar;45(3):1009-19.
  • Matthew R. Ritter, Stacey K. Moreno, Michael I. Dorrell, et al. (2003) Identifying potential regulators of infantile hemangioma progression through large-scale expression analysis 鈥 A possible role for the immune system during involution. Lymphatic Res. Biol. April;1(4):291-300.
  • Michael I. Dorrell, Edith Aguilar, and Martin Friedlander (2002) Retinal vascular development is mediated by endothelial filopodia, a pre-existing astrocytic template, and Specific R-cadherin adhesion. Invest Opthalmol Vis Sci. Nov:43(11):3500-3510.
  • Matthew R. Ritter, Michael I. Dorrell, Joseph Edmonds, Sheila Friedlander and Martin Friedlander (2002) Insulin-like growth factor 2 and potential regulators of hemangioma growth and involution identified by large-scale expression analysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. May 28;99(11):7455-60.
  • * Atsushi Otani, Bonnie M. Slike, Michael I. Dorrell, John Hood, Karen Kinder, Karla L. Ewalt, David Cheresh, Paul Schimmel, and Martin Friedlander (2002) A fragment of human TrpRS as a potent antagonist of ocular angiogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. Jan 8;99(1):178-83.
  • Hans E. Purkey, Michael I. Dorrell, and Jeffrey Kelly (2001) Evaluating the binding selectivity of transthyretin amyloid inhibitors in blood plasma. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. May 8;98(10):5566-71.

Invited Reviews

  • Edith Aguilar, Michael I. Dorrell, David Friedlander, et al. (2008) Ocular Models of Angiogenesis. Methods Enzymol. 444:115-58.
  • Martin Friedlander, Michael I. Dorrell, Matthew R. Ritter, et al. (2007) Progenitor cells and retinal angiogenesis. Angiogenesis. March;10(2):89-101.
  • Michael I. Dorrell, Hannele Uusitalo, Edith Aguilar, Martin Friedlander. (2007) Ocular angiogenesis; basic mechanisms and therapeutic advances. Survey of Ophthalmology. Jan; 52(sup. 1): S3-S19.
  • Michael I. Dorrell, Martin Friedlander. (2006) Mechanisms of endothelial cell guidance during retinal vascular development. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research. May;25(3):277-95.

Book Chapters

  • Yoshihiko Usui, Peter D. Westenskow, Salome Murinello, Michael I. Dorrell, Leah Scheppke, Felicitas Bucher, Susumu Sakimoto, Liliana P. Paris, Edith Aguilar, and Martin Friedlander. Angiogenesis and Eye Disease. Annual Review of Vision Science. Volume 1, 2015. J.A. Movshon and B.A. Wandall (co-editors). Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, CA. USA. 2015. Pages 155 鈥 184.
  • Michael I. Dorrell and Martin Friedlander. Retinal vascular and retinal pigment epithelium gene expression. Eye, Retina, and Visual System of the Mouse. L.M. Chalupa and R.W. Williams (Eds). MIT Press. USA. 2008. Pages 685-696.
  • Michael I. Dorrell, Martin Friedlander, Lois E. H. Smith. Retinal vascular development. Retinal Vascular Disease. A.M. Joussen, T.W. Gardner, B. Kirchhof, and S.J. Ryan (Eds). Springer. Germany, 2007. Pages 24-35.


  • U.S. Patent, Serial No. 60/562,821, 鈥淢ethods of Modulating Vascularization鈥
  • U.S. Patent, Serial No. 60/577,156, 鈥淐ompositions and Methods for Treatment of Neovascular Diseases鈥
  • U.S. Patent, Serial No. 10/836,289. 鈥淪elective R-Cadherin Antagonists and Methods鈥
  • In Preparation: Patent on ADEPT strategies for treating cancer (国产剧麻豆剧 patent)