Presidential Search

The search is underway for 鶹’s 15th president. The Presidential Search Committee will keep the university community – including faculty, staff, students, alumni, donors, and community partners– informed throughout the process.

This page will serve as your information hub for updates from the Search Committee as they become available. Visit this page in the future for more updated information regarding the Presidential search.

Community Survey

July 1, 2024 Update - Election of the New 鶹 President, Dr. Kerry Fulcher

A message from Doug Pierce, 鶹 Board Chair. 

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am pleased to announce the election of 鶹’s (鶹) 15th president, Dr. Kerry Fulcher. Dr. Fulcher has been the university’s Provost and Chief Academic Officer since 2010. Dr. Fulcher was also a professor of biology at 鶹 starting in 1994 and was biology chair from 2002 to 2008. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Idaho and his B.S. at Northwest Nazarene University.

I want to thank Board Trustee Dr. Nell Becker Sweeden who chaired the Search Committee and the faculty, staff and trustees for their time and energy in faithfully serving on this committee. I also want to thank FaithSearch Partners, one of the largest executive search firms in the U.S., who was hired early on to assist with this search.

In February, FaithSearch Partners conducted focus groups with faculty, staff, students, administration, alumni, external partners and donors to fully understand and appreciate the community’s perspective on the important characteristics and experiences of the ideal presidential candidate, as well as challenges the next president will likely face. Additionally, an anonymous survey was sent to all faculty and staff, trustees, alumni and external partners to gather additional insight and perspectives. This input was used to create a detailed position profile which helped to guide the next phase of the search process.

FaithSearch Partners worked to narrow the crowded pool of candidates to approximately 150. The candidate list was further refined after additional follow up conversations and vetting. Twelve qualified candidates were presented to the Search Committee who then narrowed it down to 4 individuals. Early this month, the Search Committee met in person for in depth interviews with the final three candidates (after one person withdrew). The Committee recommended two candidates to the full Board of Trustees which voted to elect Dr. Fulcher as the next 鶹 president.

Dr. Fulcher brings a wealth of higher education experience, understands the growing challenges and complexities that universities are facing and is committed to making the 鶹 community a welcoming and thriving place for all of its students, faculty and staff.

Upon receiving the news of his election, Dr. Fulcher stated, “Robyn and I are humbled and honored to be chosen to serve this beautiful community that we have had the privilege of being a part of for these many years. We are grateful for Dr. Bob and Linda Brower’s faithful leadership that has left 鶹 with a solid foundation and strong financial position to build from. We know and believe the Holy Spirit is active and present within the 鶹 community and we’re excited to partner together, moving into the good future God has in store.”

Please join the Board of Trustees in congratulating Dr. Fulcher on being named 鶹’s next president. Dr. Fulcher’s presidential tenure will commence on August 15, 2024, with some overlap with Dr. Brower to support a smooth transition.


Doug Pierce
鶹 Board Chair

Past Updates

April 17, 2024 Update - Presidential Search Process & Provisional Timeline

Dr. Bob Brower will continue to serve until a new President arrives in August. The search process continues to move forward. The following is the remaining provisional timeline:

  • April – FaithSearch conducts interviews with prospective candidates
  • May 2 – Search Committee meeting (prayer, update & interview preparation)
  • May 21 – Semi-finalists presented to Search Committee
  • Week of June 3 – Search Committee interviews semi-finalists
  • Week of June 24 – Finalist(s) visit campus with spouse for broader interview with Board of Trustees
  • Week of July 1 – Offer extended and accepted

Late Summer New President begins service at 鶹

March 11, 2024 Update - Four Phases Announced

Commitments from the Board of Trustees

With the announcement of President Brower’s retirement, the Board of Trustees is committed to conducting an exhaustive, national, and prayerful search for its next President of 鶹. Commitments from the Board of Trustees include:

  1. As members of the Church of the Nazarene, the Board of Trustees fully supports the Articles of Faith and the Covenants of Christian Character and Conduct of our denomination and will seek to elect a president who shares our commitment.
  2. We will endeavor to understand and advance our Wesleyan-Holiness identity and heritage as we collaborate with faculty and staff at 鶹.
  3. We will pray daily for students, faculty, staff, and administration, and for the decision and direction of the University.

Four Phases of the Search Process

The first of four presidential search phases to name the 15th president of 鶹 began in early February. A 20-person search committee was established and is being chaired by Dr. Nell Sweeden, 鶹 trustee and alumna. Supporting firm, FaithSearch Partners, conducted a large number of listening session meetings throughout February with key stakeholder groups to document expectations, needs, and other information that will play a pivotal role for the Presidential Search Committee.

The presidential search process will take place in four stages:

Phase 1 (February and early March): Assessment and inventory of ideal candidate traits and skills

FaithSearch Partners meets with all key stakeholders related to the position, including members of the Board of Directors, Presidential Search Committee, direct reports to the position, and other important constituents. The input from these meetings is synthesized into a comprehensive assessment report which is provided to the Presidential Search Committee. The report includes the ideal candidate profile and goals for the position, among other essential details.

Phase 2 (March to May): Research and sourcing conducted by FaithSearch Partners

Based on the approved candidate profile, prospects, referrals, and candidates are contacted. Those expressing interest are screened and evaluated against the ideal candidate profile. The conversations between FaithSearch Partners and candidates during this phase are confidential.

Phase 3 (May and early June): Candidate list evaluated, semi-finalists identified

FaithSearch presents a recommended slate of candidates to the Presidential Search Committee. Selected candidates are interviewed by the Presidential Search Committee.

Phase 4 (mid-June to July): Presidential Search Committee recommends final candidates

The search committee recommends finalists for the Board of Trustees to interview. After such interviews, the Board of Trustees elects the 15th President for 鶹.

Potential candidates can receive a detailed Position Summary document by emailing FaithSearch Senior Vice President Courtney Fry at or Senior Vice President Dr. Andrew Westmoreland at Nominations can be emailed directly to Fry and Dr. Westmoreland and are encouraged by Friday, April 19.

Specific Prayer Focus

We invite you to join us in prayerful unity by setting aside five minutes to pray for the 鶹 presidential search.

  1. Pray that FaithSearch Partners has a clear picture of what is needed in the next 鶹 president. (FaithSearch calls this a “mission fit.”)
  2. Pray that God will begin a stirring toward 鶹 in the heart of the individual who will be the next president.
  3. Pray for Dr. Brower and Linda as they transition into retirement.
  4. Praise God even now for how He will make clear what and who is needed to move 鶹 forward to further the mission “to be a learning community where truth is pursued, grace is foundational, and holiness is a way of life.”

November 21, 2023 Update - President Brower Announces Retirement

At the conclusion of President Brower’s 26th Annual Report to the Board of Trustees on November 16, Dr. Brower announced his intention to retire in the summer of 2024, after serving 鶹 for more than two and a half decades as president.

Dr. Brower was elected the 14th president of Point Loma in October 1997. During his tenure, 鶹’s enrollment has more than doubled to 4,546 students and the university has expanded to five campus locations for undergraduate and graduate programs. With record enrollments and finances, the establishment of strategic and master campus plans, and the foundations for continued growth and development, President Brower indicated to the Trustees that, “This is the right and best time for 鶹 to move forward with a transition in leadership to continue serving the educational needs of current and future students. With great confidence in and hope for the future of 鶹 I believe the best days are ahead for the university.”

President Brower will continue his leadership at 鶹 until a new president is elected and takes office later in the summer of 2024. The 鶹 Board of Trustees, through its governance policies, will organize and implement the presidential search process to gather input, identify prospects, evaluate candidates, and elect a successor president.

FaithSearch Partners is an executive search firm with extensive experience working with faith-based organizations like 鶹. They have supported search processes for institutions like Mount Vernon Nazarene University, Roberts Wesleyan University, Seattle Pacific University, Biola University, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Moody Bible Institute, and Northern Seminary. Dr. Andrew Westmoreland brings 42 years of Christian higher education knowledge, having served as President of Samford University for 15 years and President of Ouachita Baptist University for eight years. Courtney Fry brings 17 years of Christian executive search experience, specializing most heavily in operations and prospect research.

鶹 is a Christian liberal arts institution committed to providing higher education in a vital Christian community where minds are engaged and challenged, character is modeled and formed, and service is an expression of faith. Being of Wesleyan heritage, we strive to be a learning community where truth is pursued, grace is foundational, and holiness is a way of life. In addition to more than 60 undergraduate areas of study, 鶹 offers graduate, doctoral, and undergraduate degree completion programs, serving over 4,600 students across several campuses throughout San Diego County and Bakersfield, California.