With a major in the Department of Psychology, you will have a unique opportunity to conduct research alongside our experienced faculty members.
The SPIN Lab: Social Psychology and Influence
Faculty: Max Butterfield, Ph.D. and Kim Schaeffer, Ph.D.
Topics: Social Influence, Behavioral Economics, Social Cognition, Judgment, Decision-Making
As a student researcher in the SPIN lab, you can look forward to:
- Applying psychology research to make a difference in real-world issues like poverty, politics, climate change, disease prevention, and social justice
- Uncovering hidden influences on our spending, saving, and investing habits
- Exploring how our thoughts about others form and change in response to small cues from our social world
- Understanding cognitive shortcuts that reduce the effectiveness of our decisions and judgment
Marriage Satisfaction and Brain Activation
Faculty: Kendra Oakes-Mueller, Ph.D. and John Wu, Ed.D.
Topics: Marriage, Divorce, Cohabitation, Attachment, Brain
As a student researcher in the Lasting Love Lab, you can look forward to:
- Conducting research on factors that affect marriage longevity and satisfaction
- Exploring underlying factors to relational satisfaction, such as attachment, trauma, and brain area activation
- Exploring how behaviors such as cohabitation and sexual timing affect later relational satisfaction
- Applying findings to develop more effective counseling approaches
Moral Psychology and Compassion Lab
Faculty: Ross Oakes-Mueller, Ph.D. and G. Michael Leffel, Ph.D.
Topics: Moral Psychology, The Good Physician
As a student researcher in the Moral Psychology and Compassion Lab, you can look forward to:
- Conducting research on the development of compassion and other moral virtues
- Understanding the intertwining roles of thoughts, emotions, and habits in shaping our moral lives
- Examining the role of faith and spirituality in predicting and shaping morally relevant thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
- Uncovering and testing practices that can enhance empathy, generosity, and compassion
- Applying such research to better understand and shape compassionate behavior in real-world settings (Past studies have examined community service, romantic relationships, and medical education, among others.)