Chapel is where we intentionally pause from the busyness of life and seek to gather together in Christ's name.
Chapel gatherings are designed to encourage greater intimacy with God and one another while also inviting us to respond to God鈥檚 calling to minister and serve in our greater community. Chapels engage a diverse number of voices from outside the 国产剧麻豆剧 community as well as 国产剧麻豆剧 faculty, staff, and students. Wednesdays are usually our Community Chapel days, when the Chapel preaching team will teach from Scripture in connection with the Chapel theme for the year. It is the university's belief that Chapel has an important role in Christian liberal arts education and, as such, is required for all undergraduate students.
Chapel is offered four times a week. We have morning gatherings on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:45 a.m., as well as an evening gathering on Thursday at 9 p.m. On Wednesday, Chapel is offered at the Point Loma campus and the Liberty Station campus.
Tune in to the new account to listen to the curated songs that we have been singing together in chapel and playlists by your favorite worship arts interns.
国产剧麻豆剧 remains a community that seeks to love and care for one another. If you would like to submit a prayer request for yourself or on behalf of another, we encourage you to click the button below.

Weekly Chapel Opportunities
Morning Chapels
Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9:45 a.m. in Brown Chapel
*On Wednesdays, Chapel is offered at the Point Loma campus and the Liberty Station campus
Morning chapels are unique gatherings where we worship in song, participate in communion, and engage in the prayer ministry at the altar. We come ready to be challenged to encounter God with all our beings 鈥 body, mind, heart, and soul 鈥 by the preaching of the word, testimony, and creative arts. All are welcome.
Evening Time Out Chapel
Thursday at 9 p.m. in Brown Chapel
In addition to morning chapel offerings, 国产剧麻豆剧 offers students an evening chapel gathering on Thursday that provides an opportunity to hear from students, staff, and faculty offering encouragement and sharing reflections about their faith journey.
Why We Gather
国产剧麻豆剧 gathers for worship at least four times per week. We often get questions like 鈥渨hy chapel?鈥 or 鈥渨hy is attending chapel required?鈥 We are a Christian university that truly desires to invest in the spiritual growth and maturation of each student. Therefore, we provide opportunities for growth in Christ through four main avenues of expression: prayer, corporate worship, service, and discipleship.
Chapel Requirements and聽Attendance Policies
Chapel Attendance Policy
Gathering to worship is critical to who we are as the body of Christ universal and therefore, extremely important for the 国产剧麻豆剧 community. We value the holistic development of one another and therefore, Chapel is an intentional space for community to be nurtured together.
- Morning Chapel begins at 9:45 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and is typically held in Brown Chapel. On Wednesdays, Chapel is offered at the Point Loma campus and the Liberty Station campus. Evening Time Out Chapel begins at 9 p.m. on Thursday in Brown Chapel.
- To receive Chapel credit, students must scan in and out of Chapel using their ID card at the entrance doors. They must scan in no later than 9:50 a.m. for morning Chapel, 9:05 p.m. for Time Out Chapel and remain in Chapel for the entire Chapel service. A one-way scan will not be counted as a Chapel credit.
- Manual scans are available for those students who don鈥檛 have their ID card with them, but are limited to 3 manual scans per semester. Manual scans recorded after three in a semester will not receive credit.
- Chapel attendance may be viewed through a student鈥檚 Workday account located on the website (). On the student dashboard, select 鈥淪tudent Life鈥 from the dashboard apps, then select Chapel Attendance. Students are responsible for checking their chapel attendance report on a regular basis. Any missing chapels that are not reported to chapel@pointloma.edu, within 2 weeks of the attendance discrepancy will not be eligible for retroactive credit. If you have concerns within these parameters, you can communicate via email only at chapel@pointloma.edu. This account information is managed by the Office of Student Life and Formation.
Students enrolled in 12 or more units have the following requirements:
- Freshmen: 30/54 chapel credits per semester
- Sophomores: 27/54 chapel credits per semester
- Juniors: 23/54 chapel credits per semester
- Seniors: 20/54 chapel credits per semester
Commuter students without classes before 12:30 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays or attending only Tuesday/Thursday classes will receive an automatic reduction to their chapel requirements:
- Freshman and sophomore commuter students are required to attend 18/54* chapels per semester.
- Junior and senior commuter students are required to attend 12/54* chapels per semester.
For students 23 years* of age or older OR students carrying less than 12 units, there is no required Chapel attendance. All students are welcomed and encouraged to come to all Chapels.
*Students must be 23 years of age by the first day of class
Failure to meet the minimum requirements will result in Chapel fines:
- 1 - 5 excessive Chapel absences will result in a fine of $5 for each absence
- 6 or more excessive Chapel absences will result in a fine of $20 for each absence (in excess of 5)
All students are expected to attend Chapel as required. Requirements are communicated via 国产剧麻豆剧 email, Workday student portal, and available at pointloma.edu/chapel. Requirements are always on a per semester basis.
Misuse of an ID card when scanning in or out of Chapel (including either manual or electronic scans) will result in an automatic $75 fine for each participating party. Each participant in violation of this policy will not receive credit for the chapel in question, and may be subject to other discipline.
Chapel Behavior
- Each person is expected to appropriately participate in the Chapel experience in accordance with 国产剧麻豆剧鈥檚 Core Values and Student Conduct guidelines found in the Undergraduate Student Handbook. This includes, for example, refraining from conversation, standing when asked to stand, and demonstrating respect for those who are leading Chapel.
- Each person is expected to listen attentively to each chapel speaker as an act of hospitality and grace. Reading magazines, notebooks or books, using digital players, smartphones, notepads or computers, and doing homework are inappropriate during Chapel.
- Food is not to be consumed in Chapel. Beverages in non-disposable containers are allowed.
- Abuse of the Chapel facility by putting feet on the furniture or defacing the property is not appropriate.
Failure to cooperate with the above guidelines may result in any of the following consequences:
- Warning - The person confronted may be verbally warned.
- Severe or Repeated Violations - Incidents may be reported to the Office Student Life and Formation resulting in a meeting with the University Chaplain and/or Dean of Students.
- Review of Enrollment - Continued disrespect in Chapel, or lack of follow through on consequences will result in a review of the person鈥檚 continued privilege of enrollment at 国产剧麻豆剧. Consequences may include suspension or de-enrollment.
Academic Requests
The maximum student attendance requirement is 30, which averages twice a week. This can be fulfilled on Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings and Thursday night chapels with the additional options provided by the alternative chapel credit program provided by ASB. In addition, Juniors and Seniors have a lowered requirement to make room for the anticipated increase of internship hours.
When students are arranging internships, it is important that they include a plan to fulfill chapel requirements. The only way to request an exception or reduction in chapel attendance is for the professor to request such an action from the Provost. This reduction would then only be approved by the assessment of the Provost when an academic requirement necessarily prohibits a student from fulfilling the chapel requirement.

Faith Expression: Spaces
Creating Intentional Space for God to Move in Our Lives
Student Riley Verner shares about the intentional spaces created for students to grow in their faith journey.